Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Vacation Finds

Well, I said that I was just going to post some photos of the deals we got as we were out and about last week doing some shopping during our vacation week.  We decided to not pay any motels and just put the money in the gas tank and drive.  What fun!!!  There were three mornings that my husband, the love of my life and bestest friend, just woke me up and said to dress comfy that we were headed out for the day.  We went all over the Dallas/Ft. Worth are, but a favorite is a building just this side of Waco (the big dog museum building).  Other places we visited were the McKinney Trade Days, Plano at the Antique Mall, and other assorted places that we stopped in at along the way.  

Fun!!!  These glasses were all bought as just clear glass, I just couldn't wait to start painting, so you get to see them finished.  They were a dollar each at our Dollar Tree, and yes...I could shop there two or three times a week!!  Oh, that one set is just begging to be painted, and they will be before this posts.  lol

The next group of pictures were from the McKinney Trade Days.  There is a really nice lady there that will let you haggle with her, and I really enjoy that.  When you step into a booth where the stuff is recycled and you are trying to reclaim it into something else that you can sell...don't ever pay face value unless it is a steal or you just really want it.  I went into her booth and waited til everyone left and then told her that I purchase, paint, and then re-sale it.  I went through and pointed out each item and then asked her to give me a packaged cash price.  The items came up to $20 and I got it for $14.  I helped her clear out some stuff and she helped with a lower price on the goods.  I was so glad that my dear husband was there to help carry it all.  Pictures are below.
This has some inky stuff on the bottom outside, and if I can't get it off...I will just use it as part of the background color.  Adds character!

This is actually a small sized pitcher, I am guessing about 7inches tall.  Really cute, and heavy glass.  I always try to stick with heavy glass as my things have to be able to travel well.

Just a round bowl thingy with a lid.  

There are two of these, and lids don't fit perfect.  The bottoms are a thinner glass than the tops.  I don't let that stop the purchase, the lids might be used for something else...or I may paint them as is.  

These next two items are from different thrift stores, there is no haggling on prices there.  Each of these were $5.99 each plus tax.   The first item is a little child's bench and I will distress it and then just paint some cute floral and ribbon on it, couple coats of sealer and it will be ready to sell.  The second item...I have not idea what it is or what it was used for or what I will paint on it.  PLEASE leave a comment on this post and give me your ideas!!!

My husband walked up when I was debating the price tag, I like to keep it cheap so that I can re-sale at a great price for my customers.  I am very frugal!!  Anyway, he looks up and says, "what are waiting for, you want me to carry it for you?"  So, I told him..."sure".

This thing is in mint condition!  The ping pong balls are there to give you an idea of the size.  There are very small ball feet on the bottom, also made of the metal.  Ideas??

Last, are a couple of globes that I got for $5 each, again I was able to barter.  I have a painting project for these already.  They will be blue with santa and his reindeer flying around.  Not in a hurry to do these, I have a while before Christmas is here.  When they are finished they will most likely show up on my website at  

I love to shop like this, could be a professional shopper if someone wanted to pay me to do it!!  I can spot a deal as soon as I walk into a booth at a flee market.  I don't always feel like I have to purchase if I don't get the price I want.  I have actually walked out of places empty handed.  

Well, I hope that you have enjoyed shopping with me.  I am going to Arlington to paint with Ros Stallcup on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Then, on Sunday in Dallas there is a 18th Annual Kosher Chili Cook-Off that I will have a booth at.  The next few days are gonna be kinda busy for me, so next week...I think I might just have to catch you up on the Kosher Chili Cook-Off.   I have never done a show there before and it could be interesting.  IF you are in the area, stop by and say hello!

Almost forgot this one!  Got two sets of these at a local Ross, on clearance for less than $4 a set!!!

Ok, now I am finished!!!  Back to my painting. 

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great site! I like the way you set this up! Great content! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel
