Friday, April 6, 2012

Shopping in Carrollton, Texas on the Square

Just had to share a couple of places that we went shopping at on our last vacation.  IF there is one thing that you should all know about me by is that I love to shop and find a bargain.  I think that the folks in Carrollton should advertise their city just a bit more!!!  There is also a nice little quilt shop, some dress shops, little eating places, ...  I had a blast and Darrell seemed to enjoy himself too!

The pictures can pretty well speak for themselves.  And the lady that working there was so nice.  They were down one of the little side streets.  Don't forget those streets when shopping in an old town.  The shops there are usually a less expensive rent, and so there are where some of your "mom & pop" shops are located.

And then, this next shop was like the total opposite.  I loved it there too, and we bought several little bird items.  Had a great time visiting with the shop owners.  

That is all for now.  Oh, wait, don't leave yet.  Just remembered that I also wanted to show you some of the great purchases that I have been making off of the facebook online garage sale sites.  I will just post the pictures and tell you what I paid, you can decide if you think I got a bargain or not.

 I got the white canister set with scoops for $5.  Toy phone was fifty cents.  The gold wall shelves were $3 for both, they will get painted and look shabby chic when I am finished with them.  The two trays in the has feet on it!... were fifty cents total.   The table below is a bit rough and needs some love...I paid $3.  And, I can't wait to get it all painted up and ready to sell at one of my shows or online!!!

ALMOST forgot to tell you, the one below, has made in Italy stamped underneath.  I really WON!!!! do you think that I did??  I thought is was an all around win/win !!!!   Well, I have gotten quite a few tables here lately, so I better get off here and go start painting.  If you are interested in a hand painted table or anything else, please leave me a comment.  Just sign in under google, that should work.  See ya in a couple weeks.  - Pam

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