Thursday, September 6, 2012

Part II of the Cruise

Well, here we go, just as promised.  The rest of the cruise pictures.

First stop was at Progreso.

This goes to show you the size of the ship.

A group that was with us on board, we bumped into them a couple of times.

Just us being all touristy!!!

Our ship, Carnival Triumph!

They told us going in that there wasn't a whole lot to do here unless we booked an excursion.  

This was the welcoming committee.  They would strum and sing a bit, and this stop everything and visit with each other.  The strumming and singing would still be going on.  They were faking the entire thing, that is the sound system behind them.  Too funny!!!

This dude fingerpaints the plates with oils...all except the palm tree and the ship, they are done with a liner.  We got a small plate for $10, he was asking $15.  I called him Picasso and he called me Matisse.  lol  Painting with him for a while could have been fun!!!

What there was to do was pretty fun!  You could hold a tiger for $10.

This monkey never left this guys arms.

Tossed the camera to another cruiser and asked her to shoot pictures.  We were both in for the $10.

The things that a husband will do for his wife!!!  I am telling ya, there is no end!

Our other stop was Cazumel.  And this stop is what I centered the cruise around.  A great friend of ours had said that swimming with the dolphins was just out of this world.  So, Darrell said that he would take me, this was the closest place that would actually let us in the water with them. we are at Cozumel!!!

Much more to do here, and all kinds of coupons to get freebies just for going into certain shops.

We had someone take this picture for us, it is for our Sarah who likes cows!

This is the view when you enter the pier.  So pretty, and I might have to do a painting of this one!

Lush greens with great backdrops!

We are thirty years older than when we got married, but just as in love if not more!!!

Dunno what to say about this one.  The guy was just standing in the walk area posing for pictures.

These are at the Dolphin Encounter!  There are several different places to go and several different packages.  It isn't cheap!  We paid about $100 each just to be in the water and have pictures taken, that didn't include us getting any of the pictures!  I will explain more at the end.

You could NOT bring your own camera, you could pay for a viewer to come and stand and watch, they had to be way up on the landing.  They could have a camera, don't know how much that ticket was or if they could even get good pictures from where they were.

You know I researched it before going in!  You haggle with them on the pictures!  Seriously, the pictures are $30 each and they put them on a CD.  Or, you can get the entire time on a CD for $120 but that doesn't include the "entire time", they leave off the kissing shots with the dolphins.

Was there any way to get all these pictures?  Yes, I told the guy it was our anniversary and that we had put our money into the trip and I guess we could get two pictures.  He said oh no... I can do anything you want of you on a CD for $120.  
Sold! Cha-ching!!!
People that had been in our group that we spoke to on the way back...paid the $30 each and got anywhere from two to eight shots.  One couple got the CD and didn't realize that the kissing dolphin pictures were not part of it.

One of our dolphins that we were with was pregnant.  They were all gentle and seemed to be well cared for!

Like all things in life, it is best to research as much as possible before you go or do certain things.  This was one of those times.  Our parents had given us money for our anniversary, and it paid for almost all the pictures that we got while on the cruise.  Pictures are so much better than just some trinkets sitting around to us, and that is where we chose to put the bucks.  I have already scrapbooked the trip and we enjoy looking back through it. 

Leaving our little dolphin paradise!

There is one more thing to share from the cruise.  Towel folding.  It was a free class that we took on board, I folded and Darrell shot pictures so that we could post them later.  
So, here we go!!! Towel folding 101

Large bath towel, laying out "taco" style...longways.

Mark center and roll in from both sides to that line.

Might be overkill on the pictures, but we had no idea how else to remember this.

Take it up against you and find middle and just fold it over.

Now reach down in each end and give a little pull, you wanna have little thingies sticking out.  Go a couple pics and I think that you will see what I mean.

Now, make sure that the folds are on your sides and grab all the little tab thingies that you pulled out....

And now, start pulling.  It is just a towel, pull.  IF you mess up, you start over!  lol

The teacher called this the "dead chicken" stage.

Lay it down with this side up.  It won't unravel or go anywhere, you have killed it by now.

Now, let's go on to the hand towel!

Fold in half, it's a taco fold, longways.

Be sure the fold is at the top.

Let's take the top corner and bring it down towards our elbow.  See the next picture.

Flatten it out good and do the same thing on the other side.

Tired of all these pictures yet??  I think my husband did a great job catching each and every step!!!

Straighten out the top point and just flatten it all out really well.

Grab that top point...

And, fold back a section, this will become the nose on the face. Smoosh it flat so that it will stay!

Here it is all tucked under nicely.

Take the outer edges and start rolling them in.

Keep going, all the way to the center!

Flip it over to face you.  Oh look, a little face!

Just start pulling on those ears, make them however you want!

IF you rolled it tight enough, you can yank around on here pretty good and it will stay together.  Now, go put it on the body!!!

How stinkin' cute is that!!!!

So, what did you think??  Take a cruise if you ever get the chance, my husband didn't think that he would like it.  We are not water people, and yet we are ready to go again!!!  Please feel free to leave me a comment, or even follow my posts.  This was a long posting and I have been busy, so I am not sure when I will be back, but I will be here before September is gone!

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