Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Scrapbooking Tour ....

As usual, there will be tons of pictures... so go grab a snack while they download.  Also, if you are not a follower, you can take care of that and then you will know when I post each time.

I will start with the room as a whole, then break it down, and then end with the overall look again.  IF you have any questions, please feel free to ask them down under comments!  Ok... hold on, here we go!!!

This is my working area.  We will start the tour with the left side and do a sweep around to the right.

These are my stencils... seems that I have a box of them in the closet also, but these are the ones I use the most with scrapbooking.  The blue clip hangers are on an "over the toilet" toilet paper holder.  I got it for just a few bucks at Home Depot and the guy there actually drilled the hole in it so that I would be able to put it on the wall.  They love it when they see me coming!

This is down under the stencils... Prisma Color Pencils that I got one year with my birthday money.  I don't use them much, but want to get back into using them more.  Battery operated pencil sharpener... I use this all the time!  Edged scissors just crammed into a solo cup.

Traveled to the right a bit.  Blue stencil is for lines and just hangs in the dead space on the wall... have never used it, but have started a project that I think it will be getting used a lot in.  The white rectangular plastic container to the left is from mom's stash of containers, has squares all across the bottom like a was just the size for my tapes, hand fan, and other odd things in little cups with lids.  The blue stacking thing is also from mom's stash.  Mom died the end of 2013 and we are finding all sorts of treasures at the house as Daddy is having us go through.  Anyway, it holds all my hole and boarder punches. This is all setting on a board that is going across a childhood bench that my mom's mom's dad made.

There it is... it is a brown bench that is toddler size and just fits in this area.  Under the board are two "frozen meal containers" that house my washi tapes and writing utensils.  Thanx to my Dad for the idea to put the board there and just keep going up the wall!!!  Under the set is another container from Mom's stash... inks, misters, and water colors.  Then my sticker machine with extra refills behind it in a basket.  The little gray felt basket is full of containers with tiny buttons, brads, and that sort of thing.

We have moved to the right, still on the desk top...  This was a great find at one of the hobby stores.  Was cheaper to use a coupon and get the entire thing than to get the containers by themselves.  I took the front off, put two rulers under the front to make it tilt back slightly and it fits in the spot perfectly.  It houses all my paper stuff... cut outs, punch outs, sizzix and cricut extras, ephemera packages,...

Still moving to the right... my daughter convinced me to tear all the pages out of the small pad of paper, note sized papers and cards.  They all fit in these two containers.  Good call, Sarah!!!  Behind these are a basket full of inspirational wraps, cards, and goodies that Sarah brought back for me from her two year stay in So.Korea.

While we are at this spot... do you see the two boards/legs sticking up there?  That was a 2x4x something that I had Home Depot to cut for me.  It serves as legs for the shelf.  I had one full sheet of lumber cut up for the table top and all the shelves.  The tabletop is on shelves from Target, and is wrapped in teal fabric and then wrapped in clear tablecloth fabric and staple gunned on.  Then, all the other parts are just painted teal with a bottle of craft paints.  Ok... back to the tour.

This is a basket that I already had... I put in the plastic storage containers for paper... you can see that I cut the tops off and put put labels on my tabs that I cut ... most used stickers are in there and it just slides out so that I can ruffle through for what I need.  No, this is not all my stickers... you are so funny to think that!

This is to the right of the stickers, just on the table but up under the shelf.  Papers that are organized by color and theme... thank you Sarah!

This is to the right of the large paper you just saw... I want you to see this side cause it shows it propped up on paint cans.  I have never had it fall off and it make it to where the two units are seen from the front as one large stacked container, even though it is two.  Make since??  Here... look below.

This is the front.  I got two of these desk organizers and just put one behind the other and stacked the back one so that I could see it better.  This is full of all sorts of do-dads, scissors, exactos, almost like a junk drawer that gets the once over every so often.  Hey, works for me.

Now, let's move up to the shelf above all this stuff....

These are those large plastic envelopes again.  This time, I used them for that purpose instead of cutting the tops off.  Each one has the papers and stickers according to the label.  These are things that I just don't get into that often,  So it was good to put them up a shelf and on the end.  That basket to the right is just some leftover stuff that needs to find a home.

Still moving to the right on that shelf... My homemade stamp organizer... thank you, Sarah!!!  Yes, she does a lot for me!!!  Then, solid 8.5x11 paper.  The organizer has extra tags, flower punches, and more do-dads...  Then, to the right is a small lunch box with all my crystals in it.

Just wanted to show you this...  It is a small binder.  I decorated some papers and just slid in the front.

I already had these smaller sleeves.  So, I just went on ebay and worked out a price with someone for the overhead transparencies.  Sarah went to stamping each one and then we stuck on the stamps.  She has a book for all hers too, but hers is the 8.5x11 sized book.  They work really well, it can be flipped through, pull out what I want and go to work.  IF one should fall off the page, the sleeve keeps it in the book til I find it and can put it back in place.

This is the small tv that we used to have in our bedroom.  There is no cable, and no stations... hubby got me a comcast plug thingy that lets me watch anything from my phone on it.  So, we can watch movies, youtube videos or anything else that we can stream in.

This hangs on the wall to the right.  It houses punches and cut outs according to what is printed or drawn on the front of each drawer.  These are two units that I had out in the garage at one time.  The bottom one is hung on the wall and the top one just sets on top in the grooves for stacking.

Now, let's head up to the next shelf.  This shelf is not as deep as the one below, but remember, I was using every bit of that single sheet of lumber for the entire desk and I wanted an extra deep desk.

Photo boxes hang off just a bit, but work perfectly up there.  3D art projects, extra sleeves, Big Bite,...

Ribbons, rick rack, lace.  Extra and ongoing books, and smashbooks.  Another basket of little cute letters, thank yous, and stuff from So.Korea.  

To the right of the desk is this Container Store cart that I got at a yard sale for $8.  Oh yes, I shop like that!!!  I did have to purchase a top and the casters, but so worth it.  Holds my cutting stuff!

The left side under the desk.. those bookshelf wire units from Target.  This one holds some printed 8.5x11 papers, scraps and paint chips samples.  Yes, I do ask for paint samples, and I purchase enough paint over time that they really don't mind.

The green container on the bottom was a $1 garage sale find and houses all my sticker alphas.  The trash can was from Mom's stash... I love that I can toss stuff at the top and it just slides in!

Here is my table top area... it really is rather large.  I am currently doing a smaller album with some of the 10,000 or so photos that we found.  I am doing a family tree project and just journaling a very small part of each family.  You can see part of this book and how this project is going in my last blog... or maybe it was the one before that... anyway... it is in here somewhere and rather fun to see!

And, that brings us back to the start.  Oh, there is an Ott Lamp there.  Works great when I am in there in the evenings.  Got it from a friend when his sweet wife died.   Look around, find free or almost free stuff... it is all every changing.  This is the longest I have had it like this and it is really working well for me.  Hope you enjoyed looking around and maybe are inspired by something here.  See ya in a  couple weeks.


  1. Ooh, loved seeing your craft room! Thanks for the tour xx

  2. Looking good. Would you come and organise mine next?! X

    1. IF you were local to Garland, Tx.... I would love to come and play!

  3. You have so much lovely stuff there:)! As I am a writer at, my working place is not that wonderful and interesting:(

    1. You can personalize any space! Do it in black or gray and then add pops of color. Hang a cork board and pin encouraging cards and thank you notes. It can be done pretty easily. We just did my hubby's office at home and it is spot on!
